Friday, March 11, 2011

A 40 Day Pilgrimage of Prayer & Art

There is nothing like the season of Lent to hold a girl accountable. 
That's why I 'm posting these images from my prayer/art journal. 
I have committed to using my journal as a way to document my pilgrimage
through Lent and I'm going public with my artwork.  

"We are not converted only once in our lives but many times, and this endless series of large and small conversions, inner revolutions, leads to our transformation in Christ."  -- Thomas Merton

I pray that this exercise in creative spiritual discipline will lead to a conversion of sorts, a revolution of my soul that results in a new found freedom of expression and a closer walk with Christ.
So, here are a few more entries from the first week of Lent!

Day 1: Ash Wednesday

Day 2 Small Surrenders

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